Battery Power 2016

battery power conference
Battery Power Conference 2016
Battery Power 2016 is an international conference highlighting the latest developments impacting mobile, stationary and EV battery systems including smart phones, tablets, medical devices, critical power systems, telecom and automotive applications.

Join hundreds of OEM design engineers and system engineers involved in battery powered products and systems and discover what is driving innovation, capabilities and features, application trends and performance improvements.

Battery Power 2016 will be co-located with its sister events Advancements in Thermal Management and Critical Power North America.

These co-located events offer a dynamic learning experience for engineers, product developers, end-users, R&D professionals and other visionaries in these fields.

Attendees that register for Battery Power 2016 are welcome to attend sessions in the other conferences to enhance their learning experience.

August 3rd – 4th, 2016 • Hyatt Regency DTC • Denver, CO, USA.

Register for Battery Power at



Natural Gas Generators for Standby Power

natural gas generators for home use
A Kohler Natural Gas Generator
Natural gas generators are among a number of standby power generator types from which you can choose. If you don’t wish to be troubled by yet another power failure, then you may be considering obtaining a portable power generator for your home.

Let’s check out a couple of the kinds of power electrical generators to get some pros and cons that may aid you in picking one which would benefit you the most.

Fuel (Gasoline) Powered Generators

Let’s first discuss gas-powered power generators which is much more typical for customers seeking power generators. Gas-powered power generators have the distinct advantage Continue reading  

Cordless Power Tools – Pros & Cons

cordless power tools
Cordless Power Trimming Tools
The power tool industry has implemented the idea of cordless power tools in the past decade. They have been very popular. Consumers enjoy the convenience of being able to use them anywhere without having to worry about a power supply. It is also nice not have to worry about the cords being in your way, especially when an extension cord was needed to get it to the right length.

As most consumers are aware, convenience is always more expensive. You will find cordless power tools cost more than the traditional power tools with cords. A major drawback of cordless power tools is that they don’t offer as much power as a cord power tool. In many cases the difference in power isn’t enough to be an issue, but for larger projects it can be a major concern.

You always know a power tool with a cord is going to work when you need it. That isn’t always so with a cordless tool. I know on several occasions I have reached for my cordless screwdriver and found the charge completely dead because I didn’t charge it up. You will need to remember Continue reading